Since restaurants were destroyed and prohibited on the water in Jefferson Parish in West End. Elected Officials are seeking to re-zone West End Lake Shore Park to Retail, Housing, Bars, an Amphitheatre, etc…

Link to YouTube video playlist of Council proceedings.
The Orleans City and Jefferson Parish councils want to replace 1.8 acres of open space with a 65′ high structure(s) containing possibly 30-50 housing units, bars, or an amphitheater.
Politicians are rezoning the open space of West End Lake Shore Park to allow for 65′ high structures with reduced parking requirements.
Conceptual Photos of “Best Use” Proposals. A 4-story West End housing development. Actual West End hurricane required elevation is 17′ to the first of four floors for total height of 65′. One potential development in West End is for multiple buildings with housing units plus retail and full-service bars. Another is for a 1,200 seat amphitheater. Adding housing to the development increases the potential for Federal HUD grants and Tax Credits, as in the American Can Development.

West End Lakeshore Park serves the hundreds of nearby multi-family residents which do not have yards.

A presentation at the MYHMC in April 2022 informed the public of plans for a PPP or Public Private Partnership.
Could some of the $2 Trillion in Federal Infrastructure funding be the source of the development project funding?
In this May 2021 WWL-TV News video both Jefferson Parish Council Member Jennifer van Vranken and Council Member Joseph Giarrusso advocate for housing at West End. has been on TV advocating housing in West End Lake Shore Park. Link to video.
In this Fox8Live News Report, Jennifer van Vranken advises that grant money is being obtained to develop the lakefront in Jefferson Parish. Like to video.

Pelicans at West End
The Louisiana Brown Pelican was once an endangered species. Colonies of Pelicans now frequent West End. Build a bird island at the old Fitzgerald’s site. Retif Park will provide a wildlife sanctuary, environmental education, and storm surge protection. Follow us on Facebook.

No Pedestrian Fishing Bridge can be built as it would interfere with the operation of the new pumping station.
Why put housing, retail, and full-service bars on 1.8 acres outside the Flood Protection Wall? Plant trees, leave it as a park and a sanctuary that provides hurricane protection.
Nothing can be built in Lake Pontchartrain that interferes with the operation of the US Army Corps of Engineers pumping station. There will be no Pedestrian Fishing Bridge at Retif Park. The Bait Shop will become housing units.
Historically, destination retail and full-service bars fail. New Orleans has numerous examples of closed retail centers. Examples: Uptown Square and the Plaza. To date, no financial math analysis has been provided to the public to show the success of Retail at West End.
ACT 209 of 1906 restricts use of West End Lake Shore Park to a Public Park or Amusement Park. Rep. Stephanie Hilferty has indicated she will put forth legislation to convert the use restriction from “public park” to retail, bars, and housing.

None of the previous 4 surveys have factored in the impact on crime by adding a Bourbon Street West development at West End Lakeshore Park. Link to Article.

Mickey Retif Playspot became the Pumping Station. It should be restored on the adjoining designated 4.28 acres of park land as Retif Park.
Please sign our Petition to Restore Retif at New Orleans West End.
Per Resolution M-21-149 The City Council of New Orleans is proactivity asking for residents’ input on options for the 4.28 acres of Open Space at New Orleans West End.
Keep the Open Space and plant Bald Cypress Trees for the coastal birds. Work with Science For our Coast and the Lake Pontchartrain Conservancy to support their mission. Our mission is to drive environmental sustainability and stewardship through scientific research, education, and advocacy.

It does note seem possible to put Retail, Housing, Bars, Restaurants, and Parking into just 1.8 acres? Will rezoning West End Lake Shore Park from Park to Mixed-Use lead to additional green space being developed?

Link to proposal.
Using federal dollars or matching federal dollars to plant trees at West End is a similar concept.
Are politicians doing a Bait (shop) & Switch to Mid-Rise Housing?

The 130-page 2017 Feasibility Study discusses that West End is saturated with restaurants and proposes multi-story housing. It notes that structures cannot be built on the water at the outflow of the 17th Street Canal. However, the images show single story restaurants. Those single-story images have been used by TV media to report on the project.
Link to 2017 Feasibility Study

The 2017 Feasibility report on the proposed $4 million West End Pedestrian Bridge located the bridge near the existing vehicle and pedestrian bridge. It would still have to be over the floodwall and drop elevation quickly. The two-lanes on Marina Drive would become one-lane with a bicycle lane.

Our Suggestion plant Bald Cypress trees and retain the parking.
Louisiana designated bald cypress as the official state tree in 1963. A majestic tree that grows in many parts of Louisiana, particularly in swampy areas. Bald Cypress Trees offer hurricane storm surge protection.