Damaged Since 2005 by Hurricane Katrina, Still not Repaired.
Jefferson Parish Council has been requested to classify its 1.3 acres in West End Lakeshore Park as a new park in Jefferson Parish and to budget care of the Heritage Oak Trees, sidewalk, and seawall in its Park and Recreation Budget.

Media Coverage by The Hayride
Thanks to The Hayride for publishing articles on the status of West End Lakeshore Park. The articles can be found via this link.

Jefferson Parish land from Revenue Positive to Budget Expense
For decades Jefferson Parish had a large revenue source with the restaurants over water and access via a 500′ long strip of land ranging from 50′ to 100′ wide. With the restaurants gone that land is now a park and needs to be in the Park and Rec Budget.

Jefferson Parish Attorney writes: “Meaning we take care of it.”

Cynthia Lee Shang writes: “…there will likely be additional parking at West End….”