Elected Officials have been working to replace the seasonal Pelican Pod habitat area with bars, video poker, and restaurants.

From late Summer to early Winter a Pelican Pod habitats at West End Lakeshore Park

Watching a Pelican land on a piling is like watching a plane land on an aircraft carrier.

The Pelican Project at Chesapeake Bay. A worthwhile concept for the West End Lakeshore Park Pelicans.

The migration of pelicans is tracked from Chesapeake Bay all the way to Cuba.

Concept Phase one

Raise the funds to restore 200 pilings to over 6′ above lake level to allow more resting habitat for the pelicans.

Phase two

Determine the feasibility to convert the 5-acres of pilings into a nesting area for pelicans. Hopefully the determination results in a project to build some type of area for the pelicans.