Questions & Analysis
The Science of Climate Change requires new building design. Buildings can no longer be built over the water. Thus the restaurants now need to fit in the former parking lot.
Council Member Joe Giarrusso in 2019 changed the allowable building height to 65′. Photos show a before Hurricane Katrina and what the new facility could look like as a four-story building on top of a 17′ high required flood elevation.
Since single level restaurants are no longer allowed off the coast of West End and the total space on land is only 4.28 acres, the possible building(s) will be 65′ tall. If the 25 Heritage Oak Trees are saved or if there are setbacks, there is only 1.8 acres of buildable space.
Come to the Municipal Yacht Harbor Meeting Monday December 5th at 5:00pm
Speakers include
Council Member Joseph Giarrusso and Representative Stephanie Hilferty.
Topics and Questions we hope they address:
- Returning the allowable Buildable Height to 60′ for the Marina and Lakeshore Drive.
- ACT 209 of 1906 restricts use of West End Lake Shore Park to “a public Park or Amusement Park.” Does Representative Stephanie Hilferty plan to introduce legislation to allow for developing the park?
- Long Term in 15 years there will be new development on South Roadway, has that been considered?
- Are the 25 Heritage Oaks going to be saved at the proposed site 1.8 acre buildable site? or will they need to be removed?
- In future will more green space of West End Lake Shore Park be taken for parking needs?
- Have they considered applying for some of the $50 million in Federal money set aside for environmental projects on Lake Pontchartrain and retaining open space?
- The April Presentation at the MYHMC meeting had two slides calling for development to the a Public-Private-Partnership. What conditions go with a P-P-P development?
- Why not ask Jefferson Parish to pay to MYHMC or take care of its 1.3 acres of Park and Seawall?
- Could any of the 2019 New Orleans Park Millage Tax increase be spent on West End Lake Shore Park?
- With 50% of the revenue going to Jefferson Parish, how much will be left for New Orleans and then how much for the Marina?
- What will be the Public Safety and other costs associated with developing the 1.8 acre site?
- The parking requirements in Jefferson Parish are 3 times that of the City of New Orleans, is New Orleans going to align itself with Jefferson Parish on this condition, as it did with the building height issue?
- Did Susan Guidry comply with rules when she rezoned the West End of the Park from Park to Mixed-Use?
- Since the Fitzgerald’s site is available, why not simply move forward with one restaurant and use the existing parking lot?
- Could this lead to blight following a storm that damages the building? Or is the operator goes out of business as in the case of Uptown Square or the Lazy Jack?

How will the project be financed?
Is there a potential for failure?
Could the retail section be vacant?
Who receives the revenue?
What is the revenue split?
Space allocation
How much space for restaurants?
How much space for retail?
How much space for residential?
Will there be a motel or STR in the building?